*Black Spot
Text by Salome Papashvili
As the Earth spins endlessly around the sun, pockets of traditions and customs venture through a turbulent process of reincarnation. Rites and rituals evolve and persist into the modern day, holding together the communities in which they originated. Collective memory is inextricably tied to localities, informed, and shaped by the endemic vegetation and wildlife. Preservation of identity depends on the delicate balance between remembrance and evolution. The speed and manner of change determine the losses and gains this process can bring to the communities it affects. The visual language informed by the customs of Tusheti is a conduit for exploring change and adaptation integral to the life cycle. Reinterpreting elements from the Tushetian way of life, folklore, rites, and ritualistic objects, the artist presents a vision of the future and pays tribute to the customs that ground the community in its identity. The works address the themes of remembrance, balance, liberation, continuity, and death.

CH64 Gallery
Photo documentation by Saba Gorgodze
Tbilisi, Georgia